Saturday morning...
I had to laugh as I went out the door to start my day: someone had stolen my bicycle, my locked bicycle. I am irritated that I have to go out and purchase a new bicycle but I still find the situation funny, this is why:
Imagine walking into an electonics/TV store. The salesperson who greets you informs you that it is your lucky day and you can choose anything in the store and take it home with you at no charge--
and you choose the 1950's black and white TV that needs rabbit ears to get any sort of reception instead of the wide screen high definition/resolution plasma TV.
This person should have looked at his options alittle more carefully before selecting mine to steal-- if you are going to put the effort into stealing something, then shouldn't you want the best for your labour?
My bicycle, excuse my french, was a piece of shit.
The pedals have fallen off, the seat was painful to sit on and the brakes squeeked so loud when applied that I was embarressed to brake---which made stopping a challenge.
In looking around at the selection of bicycles that morning there was a good selection--nice trek mountain bikes, fairly new road bikes--some of them weren't even locked up! Thankfully I had not changed the seat to a more comfortable one I had just purchased the day before.
The running joke in the campsite is that my bike will be returned to me with a note saying that the hardness of the seat was too their ass hurt and could not ride the bike...serves him right.